Sunday, July 17, 2011

Win Anyway … No Excuses

The recent success of The University of South Carolina Baseball Team brought attention to one of Coach Ray Tanner’s mottos, or sayings that he would use to keep his team’s minds focused. “Win Anyway” was Coach Tanners answer to any adversity. This Saying or RULE of Life can be applied to anyone’s life, in anyone situation. I can actually hear my Dad saying it. The context that Coach Tanner uses it is; no matter the situation in the count, if you are a pitcher or a batter Win Anyway. If you are down by 5 runs with 2 outs in the 9th, Win Anyway. Don’t think about “the Odds” don’t think about what others would think or say, JUST WIN ANYWAY!
I Love it!!! This reminds me of Coach Spurrier's quote from his introduction as South Carolina’s Head Football Coach: Why Not Us? He was referring to the feeling that South Carolina could not consistently win or compete in the SEC. He was asked can South Carolina win an SEC Championship. His replay was Why not us?
If people would train their mind to tell themselves “WIN ANYWAY” Or “Why NOT me” instead of I cant, or Why Me. Their success rate would certainly increase. One may ask How?
One: it is a positive thought. Just like success, positive breads positive. Positive thoughts will snowball into more and greater positive thoughts. This can lead to positive action.
Two: there is no longer an excuse to stop or not to act. Take the old Nike attitude. Just Do It!
The Challenge is to accept this Win Anyway attitude. Apply it EVERYDAY to every situation. You will move from an “I can” … (implying that it is possible), to “I will” … (Implying that there is no doubt).
The next step is to go from an “I will win this challenge” to “I will Win Each Day and Every Day” (in an athletic setting this would mean: instead of a winning season, let’s have a Championship Season).
The Weekend is over … WIN ANYWAY!!

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