Thursday, July 21, 2011

Get to / Got to

When you wake up in the morning, is your first thought that you get to go to work, or is it that you “got” to go to work. For MANY years now, I have been up between 4 and 5 each morning thinking “man I want to get to work. It’s going to be a GREAT day”. I get to go to work. On the other hand I hear people complain on Sunday night, or they complain even worse on Monday morning about how work stinks, they don’t want to go to work.
I’m a free spirit when it comes to this. Hell, if you hate it that much, this is America, FIND ANOTHER JOB!!! Yeah yeah, I do know that we are still in tough economic times blah blah blah. I’m not saying walk in your bosses’ office first thing tomorrow morning and quite. I am saying BE ABOUT SOMETHING. Stop complaining, make a plan and act on it. Not to long ago, I loved the work I did, but hate the philosophy of those that I was working for. I made a plan. I put the plan in motion and I walked away.
It’s about being in the right place for the right reasons. I loved being a College Strength Coach. I loved being a High School Strength Coach. I loved both because I loved working with the people that I worked with, in the environment in which we were working. We (meaning the Student-Athletes, the coaches and the administration) had a common philosophy, common goals and we were all in it for the same reasons. Some of the schools that I worked were not the right places for me. The situation was not right for me or I was not right for that school. At the job that I referred to earlier, my bosses and I had COMPLETELY different philosophies on what was going on. It was time for me to leave. I was happier the day I left that place than I was when I accepted the job. I say all of that to say this: You have to be YOU, to be completely happy.

What puts you in a “Get To” mode?
Your answers to the follow questions will guide you to find your right place or your right situation that will allow you to “Get To”.
What is your mission statement?
EVERYONE needs a mission statement. Your mission statement will answer: What are you all about? Why do you do what you do? What are you trying to accomplish each day?
What is your Philosophy?
Your Philosophy is what you rely on when things get tough. Your Philosophy is statement of the beliefs, the values, the “rules” or the motivation that guides you to do what you do? Why do you do what you do? Why are you trying to accomplish what you do? What does it take for you to accomplish you mission, and do it the right way?
What are your Goals?
Where are you going? If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when you get there? More importantly how will you know HOW to get there? Goals are the single most important guide in your life, BUT your goals are based on what you do, why you do it and where you are trying to go or what you want out of what you do.

Take some time, sit down and develop your own Mission Statement, your own Philosophy and a few Goals. Then ask yourself, am I in the right place. What is or Where is the right place for me. If you are not in the right place or in the right situation, then form Goals to get there.
Remember when you were young and you could be ANYTHING that you wanted to be? What did you say then? What changed? Get back there. BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE … Be who you are!
Stop having to things that you have to do, and start getting to something that you love. It starts with you knowing where you are, where you want to go, and forming a plan of how to get there.

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