Thursday, July 7, 2011

What is Performance Training?

               Long placed with the arena of athletics, Performance Training can be applied to ANY area of work, play, or life. We all want to perform at the highest level that we are capable of. Some even desire to compete at a level higher than their abilities can take them. As competitive humans, we want to do it right and we want to be the best at it.
                Performance training encompasses all that is needed to be the best that we can be at our jobs, at the gym, on the field, on the court, on the links, or simply at home. I have heard people say: “After work, I just don’t feel like doing anything that needs to be done around the house”. Or “The kids take every bit of energy out of me”. If you think about it, this is a performance issue. Are you performing your “job” at home, to the best of your abilities?
                When we are not performing at “the top of our game”, something is missing or is out of “order”. I group our performance into 3 main areas. Our Mind, Our Body or Our Spirit. Mind, body, spirit … yeah you hear the 3 terms allot, but have you thought about: What they are? How they work? OR How they work together? All 3 are VERY powerful. All 3 affect our performance.
Our Mind
                Our Mind controls everything. I like to say: “If your mind aint right, you’re gonna get left”. Our mind is our thoughts and our decisions. Our Mind is very powerful. Our thoughts can affect our ability or our will to do. Our thoughts can affect our spirit.
Our Body
                Our body is the Physical. It is the doing. It is the ability to physically perform a task, or duty. Many times our Mind will over ride our body and tell us to stop, or tell us that we can’t.
Our Spirit
                Our Spirit may be the most powerful, but can be affected by our thoughts and can be affected by how our body is feeling or reacting to our environment. Our Spirit is our Motivation. No one who has accomplished ANYTHING has had a poor attitude, or a negative spirit. Our Spirit is our Drive. Our Spirit can keep us going, make us stop or at time can push us to far … ego.
Performance Training addresses all 3 of these areas. When something is wrong, or “Not Right”, it may mean one of these 3 areas is bringing the other 2 down. Like the Body’s parts, these 3 areas act as a chain. When something is going on with one, it affects the other 2 in some way. A negative attitude or thought can tell the body it can’t. A body running on low rest or poor nutrition can make a mind cloud ones decisions. If ones heart is “just not in it” or is in it for the wrong reasons, it will show in ones performance. On the flip side, a positive attitude can boost a physical performance, the right motivation can propel one to physical perform higher that one originally thought that he or she was capable of doing.

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