Friday, November 23, 2012

Make Change ... NOW!!!

Thanksgiving has come and gone. Christmas Season is here.

NOW is the time to begin those “CHANGES” in YOU or your life. There is absolutely no reason to wait until January or “The New Year”. NOW IS THE TIME!

If you wait, you will continue to wait. Waiting until January is an excuse. If you haven’t already heard this, I hope this statement hits hard.

“If it is important, you will find a way, if it is not important, you will find an excuse!”

You can hope that the time will be right and all of a sudden there will be time in you day or time in you life to exercise, eat right, get you dream job … what ever it is. If you have these thoughts, you want change. Do not sit around and HOPE!

Take 10 – 20 minute make a list of changes that you want to make. Where are you now?

Turn that “wish list” into a small list of Goals. What do you want? Where do you want to go? WHEN do you want to be there (this is the hard part, being realistic with out making a built in excuse)

Make a plan … How are you going to get there?

Make change! Do not wait for it to happen, MAKE IT HAPPEN! TAKE ACTION!!

The easy part is now behind you. The rest is hard BUT the rest is up to you. Remember: If it is important, you will find a way, if it is not important, you will find an excuse! There will be days that you do not “Feel like it” or there will be days that you are ready to quit. You will need support. This is where a friend, exercise partner or a coach comes in to play. Share your goals and plan with you partner. This part works best when you are “in it” together.

Hold each other accountable

You can not be afraid to hurt feelings or get your feels hurt (it will happen some where along the way … probably more than once … or twice). I am not talking about deep hurt, just enough to get them going.

Be supportive and accept coaching. If you will not listening or can not accept coaching … Do you wonder how you got here in the first place?

This journey or Process WILL BE HARD, it will also be rewarding. Embrace it and most importantly, Enjoy it.

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