Friday, January 6, 2012

Do you have a plan?

We all spend a little time, each day, thinking about our fitness. This may come in the form of our exercise or diet or our over all general health. For MANY this is where it stops. It is great that we spend the time that we do on this area of our lives. There is a LARGE population of people who do not. I do and will continue to reach out to that population through out my life, but today I am speaking to everyone mentioned above.

We spend time, energy, and resources reaching, improving and attempting to maintain good health. Again, this is great. Keep it up. It is only 1 leg of the 3 legged stool known as wellness. The three legs are Mind, Body and Spirit. Body is the one that we work on. To be honest, if the body is right, it is MUCH easier to keep or to get the other two “right”.

Today I want to “talk” about the Mind. When working with athletes for competition preparation, my saying is: “If you Mind aint right, you gonna get left”. Athletes continually work on their bodies. Their body is their tool. It is the machine that allows them to do what it is that they do. The Athletes that do well, in their arenas spend time on mental preparation. Some refer to it as focus.

Before this goes down the road of a lecture on Athletic Focus and mental preparation, I need to get headed to the point I am trying to make. Our thoughts lead to actions … they do for successful people. Without ACTION a good idea, is just a dream.

Do you have a Plan? I plan is a map of where you are trying to go, or what it is that you are trying to accomplish. The plan I am talking about here is a plan for after you get there. Many of us have goals or a plan, and action plan, in place for our careers. Do you have a plan for your life? Allow me to go a little deeper. Do you have a plan for after your life? This plan is for the ones that you WILL leave behind when you die. You will die. How? When? No one on earth knows. Fact is we all will die. Can you tell me what WILL have to your family when this happens?

I will stop VERY BRIEFLY to answer the question: What in the HELL does this have to do with Fitness and Wellness? My aim here is to get you to think AND ACT on your Family’s wellness. Will they “be OK” when you die?

My wife was catching up with a friend and asked him, what he was doing now (for a living). His response was “I help people sleep better, at night”. He had begun a career as a Financial Planner.

Dave Ramsey has a lesson addressing this topic in his Financial Peace University program. It is a very important lesson. In this lesson, Mr. Ramsey discusses his “Love Drawer”. This love drawer contains the information that his wife will be able to use to “pick up where he leaves off”. It is finical information, contact information and other important information about the finical HEALTH for his family when he is no longer around to provide for his family. If you do not have this information, GET IT … NOW!!!

Do an inventory. What do you have to leave to your family? Who will get or take care of these assets? This is to be addressed in your Will.

How much debt do you have? If you love your spouse, you do not want to dump this on them, IMEDEATLY following your death. How much money will your family need to get rid of the debt you have? This is life Insurance thought 1.

Now that the debt (the house, car, credit cards etc) is taken care of, How will they Eat, Dress, and stay cool or warm. How will they buy groceries, pay the power bill and cloth themselves? HOW WILL THEY LIVE? This is life Insurance thought 2.

What legacy will you leave? When your son/daughter interviews for a job, will the people conducting the interviews think: “I hope this kid is nothing like his / her Mom / Dad” or will they think: “If this kid is ANYTHING like his/her Mom /Dad, I want … NEED them to be part of our company”. I know that we all want people to think very highly of us. This is our reputation, AND it come from our CHARACTER. It is called your Name.

You got it from your father; it was all he had to give.
So it's yours to use and cherish, for as long as you shall live.
If you lose the watch he gave you, it can always be replaced.
But a black mark on your name, son, can never be erased.
It was clean the day you took it, and a worthy name to bear.
When he got it from his father, there was no dishonor there.
So make sure you guard it wisely, for when all is said and done,
You’ll be glad the name is spotless, when you give it to your son.
                                                                                         Edgar A. Guest

This poem says a lot. Your name is very important. It is important not just so that your family member will be thought of in a positive light but you want you family to be proud of who there are. Positive self image is part of their wellness.

The last question is does your family KNOW that you love them. Did you tell them that you loved them, before you left the house? Did you mean it?

These are all very personal questions. I do not look for answers from you. I do ask that you ask yourself these questions. I do ask that you answer them HONESTLY. If you do not like the answers that you have, you are still breathing so you still have a chance to correct the answers. I did not say change the answers. I mean that you have a chance to do something about the answers that you do not like and be able to ask yourself the same questions, at a later date, and give yourself an answer that you and EVERYONE will be proud to hear.

To review:       1. Take in inventory – Make a will 2. Make sure that the loved one that you leave behind will “be OK” – Get life Insurance. 3. Sincerely love your Family.

Have a plan that includes “after you are gone”. After some thought, and reflection, talk to your Attorney, Finical Planner AND Insurance Agent. They will ask more questions, and yes they make money from you doing this. They are taking care of their families … and helping you take care of yours. THEY ARE HELPING YOU!

Make a plan and PUT IT INTO ACTION.

You will sleep better, at night. Which of course, will help your body rest, recover and recharge for the NEXT and MOST EXCITING day of your life?

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